Month: June 1990

Developing Walkie Talkie

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earpieceSome of the expert writers on the net are at a really high level that i ponder if any of them have ever created a book? well occasionally i like to highlight these excellent articles and here’s one i thought was remarkable the other day.

People use walkie talkies in all sorts of terrains to communicate between two radios. The walkie talkies allow only one channel of communication which means only one person can speak at a time and the other end person would have to listen and allow him to complete before he starts speaking.
These instruments contain both the ear piece as well as speakers unlike the telephones that have earphones which need to be held closer to the ears.
The walkie talkie is a hand held rectangular box like telephone handset but bigger in size and with a antenna that is on top of the unit. The receivers at both ends are connected to the fixed radio stations and transmit and receive one way messages.

Motorola was the first company to build the first set of hand held radio transmitter and responder as well as coin the word ‘walkie talkie’ which then became famous. The first model that was built using frequency modulation was Motorola SCR -300 which was a backpack mounted version.

Motorola had first introduced the commercial version of the first hand held compact and self contained device by name “Handi Talkie” which was the precursor of the preset ‘walkie talkie’. This unit though was not as good in performance as the ‘walkie talkie’, nevertheless was the first commercial device available for use in industry.

Today ‘walkie talkie’ is being used in various sectors including defense, security, public crowd management as well as various consumer, entertainment and recreational businesses too. You get kideei ‘walkie talkie’ too for children to play with. The models, features as well as the prices vary depending upon the usage, range and other factors.

The industrial ‘walkie talkie’ are built to be strong and sturdy units with casing. They can be used to connect to very few channels but the clarity of reception and transmission is very good. With improved technology these handset performance has also been improved.

The individual sets on the other hand are more compact in size, sleeker and light weight. They are capable of operating on many channels within the given band. However when compared to industrial models, they lack clarity in reception and transmission.
‘walkie talkie’ for kids are available in the market. These are built relatively using low technology as compared to the others and operate within a range of few meters. They are pretty cheap and do not require a license to use.