Month: December 1974

Can I use a Kenwood Radio to Communicate with a Motorola Radio?

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earpieceSome of the professional writers on the web are at a really top level that i wonder if any of them have ever created a book? well every now and then i like to focus on these exceptional items and here is one i found remarkable the other day.

Hope you had a great weekend (I’m writing this in the early hours of Monday morning).

To answer your question (that is, after all, why I’m here): It depends entirely on which models you are planning to use. For example, if you had two PMR446 variants that were both on the same band, they ought to work fine (even if one was Kenwood and the other was Motorola).

If two radios are the same basic type and set to the same channel, then I don’t personally see why they wouldn’t work. However, if they aren’t of the same type, then they probably won’t work, it’s that simple.

Two-way radio technology is both simpler than you’d think it would be and more complicated than it first appears (if that makes sense), so its always best to make sure you have access to good kit that is easy to use. Personally, (if it is at all possible for you) I’d suggest spending out a bit and getting a new set, I’ll explain why below…

Your question does incur a dangerous element, so I feel I’d better warn you. Make sure that you understand, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your license covers the frequency you are using. For most of the frequencies you’d likely to be using in order to connect the two devices, a special license is required. Transmitting without a license is a serious crime and you could spend up to two years in prison.

As ‘Robert J’ from ‘Yahoo! Answers’, suggests, the reason it’s considered to be so serious an offence is because you can actually endanger lives by interrupting radio transmissions from ambulances or police cars. I hate to sound like a square here, but in this instance, the rules exist for a reason.

Anyway, you really need to do your homework on this one and it may actually turn out to be easier and cheaper for you to just buy a new set of radios from either Kenwood or Motorola. If you were running a business, I’d go as far as to actually recommend you take this step.

However, if you’re only using the radios for personal projects, then provided you check them out and stick to the rules, you shouldn’t have a problem.

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What’s the best method to preserve my earphones for a longer time

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Again a new piece i found remarkable around the subject matter of headset’s, what would you need to do if i didn’t post this ehh? you would have to find the original article, and the chances that you found it would be slim, so think yourself fortunate that i’ve shared this wonderful piece with you.

Hello and welcome to the innovative new series of advice to those earpiece questions. Ever wanted to find out about something headphone, earpiece or headset linked? Now is your chance. Due to a great amount of inquiries we’re so often asked, we have reached into our mailbox and picked up the nine most pertinent (and most frequently submitted) inquiries. Enjoy.

Oh, by the way, in case your inquiry is not below, then simply mail us an email and check back in a few… you might see it featured in the later series. Cheers.
Part 1: How can I make my earphones last more time?

Headphones are a vital part of contemporary music. In the bad old days, headphones were attached to stationary turntables and the one transportable music emanated largely from ‘Ghetto Blasters’, which a kind of transportable tape player, like the one which incurs the wrath of Mr. Spock in Star Trek IV, one about the whales.

This fundamentally meant that in case you desired to play some music whilst out and about, (and lets face it, who doesn’t?) everybody else within the immediate vicinity had to listen to it also.
These days, as any peep out of our nearest window must inform you, basically everybody is playing music discreetly and comfortably with the use of iPods, MP3 players and what-have-you. Yet, your earphones, the supply of your auditory pleasure (see what I did there? nyuk nyuk) are a lot like your clothing or your car in that they go universally with you and occasionally require some TLC to keep them running for more time.

Wear and tear could be the main killer of headsets (unless, like me, you park yourself on them if they’re inside your pocket whilst at work…D’oh!) and as such, you need to be aware to those following risks.

1) Winding: wrapping your headsets all-around your MP3 device may seem like an effective way to stow them, but be aware of winding it up too tightly. If yo happen to wrap the cables too tightly or rigidly, you are more likely to tear the silicon wiring within, this can cause irreparable damage to the wires, giving you loss of condition or complete loss of sound totally.

2) Fluids: Your headsets could seem water-resistant, but in truth, they’re not. The speakers take in fluid, this can warp them permanently, distorting all future sound. Rain you can cope with, but be cautious of sweat when running or exercising and, naturally, be careful for spilled liquids.

3) Heat: For that identical reason that fluids are bad (but additionally with one more threat to the wiring) unwarranted heat is a very bad thing for headphones. Stay away from leaving them in the path of direct daylight for extended time, or trying to microwave them whilst drunk.

Caring for your headphones is a relatively simple task, if the music gets distorted, its from time to time a good idea to clean out the speakers with a dry cotton bud, just dabbing away at the grease or make up which could develop in there. If the problem persists, run the cotton bud under some lukewarm water and take a look at cleaning out your ears. That from time to time works.